Notice of Relocation of Headquarters
We have received an investment from Innovation Kyoto 2021 Investment Limited Partnership with Kyoto University Innovation Capital Corporation (Kyoto iCAP) as a partner with unlimited liability.
At the general meeting of shareholders held on October 17, 2023, a resolution was passed to elect the following director. Takashi Kiyoizumi, Director (U.S. Development) (New Appointment)
Our part-time director, Prof. Masatoshi Hagiwara, Department of Anatomy and Developmental Biology, Kyoto University, has received the Special Award from the Japanese Society of Toxicology.(Japanese only)
We have been selected by the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) for the FY2023 "Drug Discovery Venture Ecosystem Enhancement Project (Drug Discovery Venture Open Call)" (2nd round). Under this project, we will begin full-scale development of our product in the United States.
The website of BTB Drug Development Research Center has been updated. The company logo has been renewed.
We have received an investment from Kyogin Shining Future Support FundⅢfor SDGs Investment Limited Partnership(a fund jointly established by the Bank of Kyoto and Kyogin Lease & Capital Co., Ltd., a company under the Bank of Kyoto Group).
The R&D of next-generation immunotherapeutic drugs for cancer at Kyoto University has been approved as a Practical Research for Innovative Cancer Control for FY2023 by the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED). We will continue to engage in R&D projects in collaboration with Kyoto University.
Notice of Change of Representative Director